School History
By: Kay Grossman
Photos Courtesy of the Chokio Review
In 1967, the towns of Alberta and Chokio consolidated their schools into one district – District #771, Chokio-Alberta School District. The new school opened September 5, 1967, with a total enrollment of 679 students – 351 students in grades 1-6; 156 in 7th-9th grade; and 172 students in grades 10-12.
Prior to 1967, Chokio and Alberta each had their own school districts for nearly 100 years.
Chokio’s first school was organized May 3, 1880, as Independent School District #27. At that time, Chokio was located about 1/2 mile north of the present townsite. By 1897, the town was moved to its current location and a two-story wooden structure was built on the present school site. By 1903, this school was deemed too small and a much larger two-story brick building was constructed. At this time, only two years of high school were taught but by 1907 all high school courses were being offered. In 1908, Chokio High School had its first graduate, Harvey Maloney. (This two-story school building was demolished in 1985. A walkway was built, connecting the elementary building to the gymnasium.)

Chokio School 1900s
The school did not have a gymnasium, so sports and other activities were held in the Hippodrome on Chokio’s Main Street (where the bus garage is located today). In 1937, under the Works Progress Administration (WPA), a new auditorium/gymnasium was constructed and continues to be used today.
In 1950, plans were made to consolidate rural school districts. In 1952, a vote for consolidation was passed and the following rural districts closed their school buildings and sent their elementary students to the Chokio school: Districts 30, 48, 49 and 52 from Stevens Township; Districts 32, 55, and 57 from Baker Township; Districts 46 and 67 from Everglade Township; Districts 35 and 61 from Eldorado Township; and District 100 of Synnes Township.
In 1953, the combined Chokio school district #27 voted to issue bonds to construct a new elementary school. The building, which is still the elementary school, was built in 1955.

The city of Alberta constructed its two-story brick school building in 1913. Alberta was the first consolidated school in Stevens County, when rural districts #19 and #25 dissolved and the students attended school in Alberta.
A Teachers’ Home was built just north of the new school in 1916 and was dedicated February 16, 1917. Through the years the residence was referred to as the Vincent Home, the Teachery, The Teacherage, and the Manse. The home still stands today and is a rental building.
In 1927, the Alumni Association donated an ornamental gateway in front of the school building. In 1929, an addition was built onto the school. On October 1, 1931, a fire gutted the Alberta school building. It started in the middle of the night on the 2nd floor in the 4th grade room. All the school records and data were destroyed.

The current school building was constructed in 1931-32, and dedicated in May, 1932. In 1939, an addition was put on the school for a lunch room and music room. The elementary school was built in 1954. When Chokio and Alberta consolidated, each school kept its elementary students in grades K-5. Grades 6-12 were consolidated. The middle school/junior high was in Chokio for many years, and high school students 9-12 were taught in Alberta.
In 1967, the towns of Alberta and Chokio consolidated their schools into one district – District #771, Chokio-Alberta School District. The new school opened September 5, 1967, with a total enrollment of 679 students – 351 students in grades 1-6; 156 in 7th-9th grade; and 172 students in grades 10-12.
Through the years, there were many variations of classes and grades moving back and forth between the buildings in each town. Until the Fall of 2006, when all the grades were moved to the Chokio building.